Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Beauty of Costa Rica

Most everyone has either visited or has a friend who has visited Costa Rica. In all my travels I have asked literally hundreds of people whether or not they have enjoyed their visit. Only one indicated that they had not enjoyed their trip.

Maybe you are a fisherman or fisherwoman. Costa Rica has the best sport fishing in the world. One fisherman that I know averages 10-12 sailfish per day in the high season. That is the number of sails that he caught in a season in the Florida Keys.

Perhaps you are a surfer. No more wet suits; the water temperature is a constant 75 to 80 degrees year round. The waves; they are incredible.

Possibly you are a nature lover. The Cloud Forest in Costa Rica offers a world of natural diversity.

Maybe you are sick and tired of high property taxes. I have a property in Tuirribares which is over 2 acres and I pay the equivalent of $10.00 per year.

It may be that you are already sold on Costa Rica but need an income on which to live. We are the only specialists in hotels which have an annual rate of return of between 10 and 25%. You may vind us at www.costaricahotelsales.com or www.limitededtionsre.com . Just click on Hotels and Development Properties.

Did you know that Costa Rica has the second highest life expectancy in the world? Did you know that Costa Rica has a health care system that is world class. You are elegible to belong to the social security system or "La Caja" when you receive your permanent residency which provides complete medical care including perscription drugs. The cost is less than $30.00 per month.

What are you waiting for? Come to Costa Rica.

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